Gorilla Wood Glue vs Elmer’s Wood Glue: Full Comparison

When working with wood, it’s crucial to have a strong wood glue that secures the pieces together and ensures the project comes out as expected and lasts for a long time. What are the major similarities and differences betw Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue. Our comparison criteria include strength, cost, water resistance, durability, and curing time. Let’s dive right in.

Although both of these glues are strong, Gorilla Wood Glue is best for water resistance, whereas Elmer’s Wood Glue is best for overall strength. Use this information to select the best glue for the job at hand. To learn more about Gorilla Wood Glue vs Elmer’s Wood Glue, keep reading.

Gorilla Wood Glue vs. Elmer’s Wood Glue at a glance

Overall, these two types of glue are similar in composition, type usage, and strength. But which one is really better between the two? Well, the main difference lies in their tensile strength and water resistance.

Gorilla Wood GlueElmer’s Wood Glue
StrengthUltra-high strengthHigh strength
TypePVA-based gluePVA-based glue
Water resistanceExcellent water resistanceGood water resistance
Curing Time~30 minutes~30 minutes

Gorilla Wood Glue vs. Elmer’s Wood Glue Strength

Although both Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue are strong, their strength is not equal. According to tests by Project Farm, Elmer’s Wood Glue is about 30% stronger than Gorilla Wood Glue. If you need the strongest glue, you need Elmer’s Wood Glue.

Elmer’s Wood Glue provides a stronger hold than Gorilla Wood Glue

The tensile strength of Elmer’s wood glue was around 3600lbs while the tensile strength of Gorilla Wood Glue was around 2700lbs. These were not 100% controlled tests but it gives us a general idea of the strength of these glues when joining two pieces of wood together. If you want maximum strength, opt for Elmer’s Wood Glue or Elmer’s Wood Glue Max.

Gorilla Wood Glue vs. Elmer’s Wood Glue Cost

Even though Elmer’s Wood Glue is stronger, it is more affordable than Gorilla Wood Glue. On average, Elmer’s Wood Glue is about 10% to 20% cheaper than Gorilla Wood Glue. If you are on a budget, you should opt for Elmer’s Wood Glue.

A 4-ounce bottle of Elmer’s Wood glue can be had for around $3, while 4 ounces of Gorilla wood glue cost around $4. It is not a significant difference but in a very big project these costs can add up.

Elmer’s Wood Glue costs less than Gorilla Wood Glue

Furthermore, the fact that Elmer’s Wood Glue is stronger means that the glue will last longer. Because of this fact, you won’t have to use more and more glue over time. In the long run, this further makes Elmer’s Wood Glue more cost-efficient since you don’t have to re-use glue.

Gorilla Wood Glue vs. Elmer’s Wood Glue Type

Both Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue are types of PVA based glue. PVA based glue is an effective bonding agent that is safe for a variety of materials. Obviously, you can use Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue on regular or natural wood.

Both glues are PVA-based wood glues

In addition to traditional wood, you can also use this glue type on synthetic woods, such as chipboards, plywoods, and MDF’s. Interestingly, you can sometimes use this glue to double as a high-performance sealer, dust proofer, or primer.

In other words, Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue is right for practically any wood you may be working with.

Gorilla Wood Glue vs. Elmer’s Wood Glue Durability

When looking at the durability of wood glue, there are two main factors you need to consider: heat cycles and water resistance. Heat cycles refer to the glue’s ability to stand against different hot and cold temperatures. Water resistance refers to how strong the glue will remain after it is exposed to water.

Both Gorilla Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue tie in terms of heat cycle durability. These glue types are loved because they withstand different cycles of hot and cold temperature. Of course, both of these glues function best at room temperature.

Gorilla Wood Glue has a higher water resistance

When it comes to water exposure, Gorilla Wood Glue is stronger. If you expect your project to be exposed to water or excess moisture, Gorilla Wood Glue is the better option consequently.

Is Gorilla Wood Glue better than Elmer’s Wood Glue?

Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue are two popular wood glue types. They are both PVA glues known for their durability and strength. Despite their similarities, you might prefer one wood glue over the other.

Gorilla Wood Glue is better is your project will be exposed to the elements

If your project is going to be exposed to moisture and other elements, you will want to select Gorilla Wood Glue. Because Gorilla Wood Glue has a better water resistance rating, the project will stay connected better, even amidst rain and other moisture.

In contrast, Elmer’s Wood Glue is better if you are more concerned about strength. Because Elmer’s Wood Glue is the stronger of the two, it is the best option if you need a glue with maximum strength and capabilities.

Gorilla Wood Glue vs Elmer’s Wood Glue for woodworking

When it comes right down to it, both Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue are fantastic for woodworking. You really can’t go wrong with either option because they are reliable, durable, easy to find, and effective at keeping wood together.

Still, consider the advantages of these glues and select them accordingly. Once again, get Gorilla Wood Glue if you are concerned about water resistance but Elmer’s Wood Glue if you are concerned about overall strength. Sticking to this rule will ensure you get the best glue for the job.

Both are excellent choices for woodworkers

Keep in mind that Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue are not the only glue options for woodworking. Titebond is a fantastic glue if you need maximum strength. Some woodworkers even agree that Titebond is sometimes stronger than Elmer’s. Another good brand to check out is Elmer’s Craft Glue. It works great for woodworking purposes as well.

Read more: CA Glue for Woodworking

Tips when working with Gorilla Wood Glue or Elmer’s Wood Glue

Regardless of whether you are working with Gorilla or Elmer’s Wood Glue, there are some tips to keep in mind. Obviously, read the instructions based on the wood glue you have. Due to these two glues being of similar characteristics and usage, the following instructions apply to both Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue.

Spread into a thin, consistent layer

Additionally, make sure that you apply the glue properly. It’s best to spread the glue onto the surface in a thin, consistent manner. Make sure you don’t apply excessive amounts as this

Secure with a clamp until cured

Then, place the two pieces together and secure them using a holdfast or clamp. The clamp will ensure that there are no air bubbles and create the tightest seal. Do not remove this clamp until the glue is completely dry. The directions will often tell you how long you should wait before you determine if the glue is dry. If you cannot find this information, wait about 24 hours

Remove excess before it dries and sand after cured

If you have any excess spilling out of the side of the woodworking project, use a sander to sand off the excess. This will create a clean finish without compromising the integrity of the glue.

Closing thoughts

Gorilla Wood Glue and Elmer’s Wood Glue are excellent wood glues, but they aren’t identical. Gorilla Wood Glue is best if you need extreme water resistance, but Elmer’s Wood Glue is better if you need maximum strength. All that being said, you can’t go wrong with either of these brands for woodworking or home improvement purposes.

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